Conditioned to Win
Lisa Mitzel is rethinking high performance and young athletes. With an urgency for gymnasts to train and compete with autonomy, mental health and wellness, she advocates for the athlete's voice, more education, and moving the sports culture forward. Conditioned to Win is a hybrid podcast with interviews and monologues. Lisa's work is rooted in mindfulness, compassion, sport psychology, and child development. With a successful career competing and coaching at the club and D1 college levels, Lisa believes you gotta dig deep, ask hard questions, and fight for mental health & wellness for every child.
Conditioned to Win
The Signs of Hurting with Lisa Terry, Part 2
Lisa Terry is the Owner, CEO and Head Coach at East Bay Gymnastics in Concord, CA.
In Part 2, we discuss a difficult situation with an abusive coach that was at their gym in 2023. Though he started out friendly, he took a turn and created confusion, anxiety, and fear in the gymnasts...and everyone. Listen to how Lisa Terry admits her mistakes and takes responsibility, especially taking the time and energy away from gymnastics in order to help her gymnasts process their pain and heal together.
Host Lisa Mitzel also reflects on her "why" for doing this podcast. She opens up about a wake-up call last year and unfolds her thoughts about the Utah Gymnastics investigation, her experiences in being verbally and emotionally abused as a gymnast, and her time coaching at Stanford University. She reveals that she caused emotional pain in some gymnasts that she coached at Stanford, and talks with one of her former Stanford gymnasts to help her heal from the pain.
This podcast is for all of us to rethink high performance and young athletes, to advocate for them and to integrate mental health and wellness in gymnastics and all sports.
Dr. Amy Saltzman and the Spot a Spider safety education program can be found here: https://spotaspider.com/
The Conditioned to Win podcast is sponsored by Zen Tiger Mind - mental training and mental health programs, equipment and products - check us out!
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This is your journey to guide yourself toward transformation and to promote mental health for every child ~ I’m Sending you good vibes, deep breaths, and peace.